Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Collected the softcopy pics!

It's FINALLY friday! Was such a long week!! Collecting the photos from Gray was the highlight for the week! My friend is a hobbist photographer (he has a full time IT job) and wanted models for his portfolio... of coz we volunteered and he kindly agreed!

Here's what i call a "Timberland" catalogue shot.... Hahhaa...

It's all leg shots coz we really wanna save all the ones with the faces as a surprise for our guests!

Gray's photos are really really nice! I just think that we're so blessed with kind friends that photograph for us!

Another old friend of mine's also taking an album for us... I'm so thankful for him coz he's a commercial photographer who dislike taking wedding shots but made an exception just for us! He showed us a sneak peek of the photos we took 2 weeks back.. All i can say is I never knew we could look so romantic!!!!!! Looking forward to seeing all the pics taken by him..........! That's the next thing to keep me happy to last through the next week... Heh...


  1. wah!! i can see a blister on the sole of Randy's right foot!

    looking forward to see your pics too!!

  2. Hey those look beautiful--already! A really pretty blog. I'm sure we have alot to look forward to on elevenjuly! :)

  3. My goodness... you can still spot that after much photoshop.... haha

    More pictures are definitely coming up!!!

  4. hahah Randy and his signature shoes! I must say your shoes very durable!

  5. hahha Randy and his signature shoes! I must say your shoes are very durable! Are u gonna wear them on eleven july too! I am so looking forward to eleven july!

  6. HHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA...... Signature shoes!!!! MUHAHAHHAAH....... He'll better not wear those dirty loafers!
