Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Milk storage solutions

I'm gonna add another tag in this blog called "on-job-training"... When I first started my new role as a mummy, there were so many things that I crashed-n-learned... I figured it might be useful to share some of my learning so mummies-to-be can use as a reference point...

Point 1 - If u intend to breastfeed, u need a huge freezer. Period.
A friend of mine gave me a glimpse of his freezer (packed with his wife's supply) and coupled with many people who told us about lack of milk storage space, we made the wise decision to purchase a HUGE fridge when we shifted into the new cosy.
Be prepared not to cook or indulge in ice-cream binges coz your freezer would be dedicated to your kiddo's food supply (pic below).

Point 2 - Don't bother asking the hospital for glass bottles
You will find that the bottles are not sufficient for storage as your supply will outgrow them. And because you pay $2 per bottle lid, it's more economical to explore other storage options. Also, the glass bottles are not suitable for warming up directly in a bottle warmer and the narrow bottle neck makes it harder to clean -both of which are minus points to this form of storage.
Point 3 - Avent's VIA cup, best option by far
The VIA cup storage has been working well for me. The cups can be warmed up directly in the warmer which is better than using disposable milk storage bag (looks like mini ziplock bags). And because they are re-usable, they are more economical. Costs about $3/cup... And if you are using Avent's pump, you can pump directly into the VIA cups, cover with the lids and store... Simple... :)

I hate to say this but contrary to common belief, breastfeeding may not be that cheap an option as opposed to formula-feeding. Look at it this way, there are many investments (not to mention sacrifices) that comes with making the decision to breastfeed. First, you need to invest in a really good dual-pump which can cost between $500-$900, milk storage containers (my total investment: $300), breastpads ($30/monthly, if you breastfeed for a yr, it'll set u back about $360)...

However, breastfeeding is definitely more beneficial for the baby and more convenient... I'm thankful that I have been able to breastfeed till date but working and expressing milk has been very challenging. Feel like giving up sometimes but Diddy has been spurring me on!!! And watching little caterpillar grow and grow has also encouraged me that it is rewarding. :)


  1. of course bfeeding is cheaper! the next time u go to the supermarket, check out prices of formula. it's like $40-60 a tin, can last u maybe 1-2 weeks. go calculate!

  2. Ohhhhh.... Yea, breastfeeding's cheaper then!

  3. Where did you get the bottles with the red and orange cap?

  4. Those r glass bottles that we requested from the hospital. (under point no. 2)...
