Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Turning 28 (Part II)

Me and my sis have been sharing a birthday cake all our lives coz our birthdays are just 3 days apart. I think it's our parent's ploy to save on buying 2 separate cakes...
Took a day off and we headed to Au Petit Salut at Harding Road for their talk-of-the-town lunch (this time round I remembered to make a reservation)...  

Bread basket 
(sources say these carbs hail from the Delifrance oven as their own can't meet the overwhelming demand)
Yyn's Entrées
Half dozen baked Burgundy snails with tomato and garlic butter 
Kara's Entrées
Niçoise salad; Seared tuna, tomatoes, French beans, hard -boiled eggs, olives and  basil dressing

Kara's Mains

Oven baked thread fin with green vegetables, parsley coulis and tomato vinaigrette
Yyn's Mains
Red wine braised beef cheeks, carrots, mushrooms and parsley potatoes
I do think me and sis look alike in some aspect!!!

(Left) Choux bun filled with vanilla ice cream in warm chocolate sauce, sliced almond {Profiteroles}
(Right) Homemade pear tart tatin served with vanilla ice cream
We enjoyed ourselves, chatting and talking crap as usual... 
It was a very nice meal and at $32++ per person for a 3 course, it's good value... :)

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