Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, September 9, 2011

10 years dating anniversary!

11 Sep 2011
We will be celebrating our 10th year of being a couple this Sunday!

This day, 10 years ago, just past midnight, Diddy asked me to be his girlfriend on ICQ (back then it was the most happening "oh oh" chat). We were 18 yrs old, kept letters that we wrote to each other in tins and archived every sms and email from one another. We also celebrated our dating anniversaries with gifts, surprises, dates and dinners.

A decade on, we no longer wrote to each other since we share the same bed now. But what we've tried to do is to still celebrate every September Eleven.

Here's some photos dating back a decade down memory lane (please don't laugh too hard. We were not the most fashionable or good looking people around...)

Blast fr the past - Yr 2001
We met in church and fell in love like a fat china pumpkin meeting a doodoo bird that badly needed a haircut

Blast fr the past - Yr 2002
The year where Randy started his hamster obsession

Blast fr the past - Yr 2003
 I graduated from school...

Blast fr the past - Yr 2004
We celebrated our 21st birthdays
This was the year that Randy got enlisted in to the Army...
Our first trip overseas to Bangkok (where else?!)... Us on a boat along Chao Phraya River...
Blast fr the past - Yr 2005
Our fav past time back then was going to the beach

Yea... u can't imagine us making poses like this now...
Blast fr the past - Yr 2006 
Check out our weirdly messy hair!
Grandpa Randy & Granny Kara... My makeup skills are not too bad eh?
 Yr 2007 
At Bollywood Veggie... Randy posing silly at my request....
Pictured right: At some point he got really irritated at me trying to make him look dumb

 Yr 2008 
 The big proposal on Sept Eleven 3 years ago...

Yr 2009
The year we got wedded!
At the Zoo... After so many years, Randy didn't have to wait for me to pose him anymore but jump right onto the turtle and into looking silly in a photo...
Yr 2010
I got pregnant!
 Just realised that I didn't blog about the maternity photoshoot previously!
Yr 2011
Ashley arrived into our lives..!!!
 As we celebrate our decade together, we remember all the sunny days as well as stormy tides that God had seen us through.  
To many more milestones ahead of us!!!


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. Haha u'll go thru thick n thin. Eh how did u lose so much weight from the past?

  2. I used to eat a cow at every meal.. Now i stop at just a steak... Hahahaha...!

  3. Oh yes... It was my fat past! Not shy to show pic! Hahahah
