Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ashley's birthday bash

To celebrate Ashley's one year old birthday was indeed a big milestone for me. I felt like we were not just celebrating her coming of age, turning one, but also our accomplishment, having nothing - no experience, no knowledge on childcare but making it through a harrowing year of struggles, pains, fears, and of coz joy and satisfaction. It's a mixed bag of emotions. 

So I've been busy-ing myself preparing for the grande party of her life (till date), sourcing for a suitable restaurant to hold it. The top few options I had wanted to book were way too expensive for a private booking but thankfully I managed to find The Rotisserie to hold the party... :)

Yay, I'm happy with the party invite that I designed... :))
I wanted to do up a candy bar corner for the kids, some nice little buntings to drap etc. Addy was my constant source of decor inspiration, she was such a wonderful help - look at what we came up with!!!

Tada!!! So fun, if I were a kid, I would wish for a candy bar like this during my birthday party too..

 Ashley: Me & my favourit-est popo! Thank u for looking after me all these 9 months... <3 u...
  Popo's so nice, came early to feed me and put me down for a nap while dad and mum gets busy with the guests...

 Good portion of food by the restaurant (except for the Fish & chips)...
Posting this pic of Ash with Carlos & Agata coz they dun haf FB and I couldn't tag them...
 Daddy bringing out the Castle Candy Cake!!! :D

YAY!!! I am ONE! 
To many more wonderful years ahead with mummy, daddy, Jesus and God greatest.
It is our wish for u, not to be the smartest or the richest person on earth but for u to always remember it's our Lord from whom these things were given to us, Happy birthday darling. Muack muack.