Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My final CUPPA

This week, just when I was happily blogging abt our happy "bubble tea-ing", the girl at my fav bubble tea shop (I've decided to call her mei-mei) decided to let me in on a bad news....

Mei mei: 姐,要喝舍么?

Me: Green tea!

Mei-mei: (speaking in Mandarin) From next week onwards we won't be here anymore.

Me:  You mean you're moving to another outlet?

Mei-mei: No no... Boss says she's going to close down this shop to concentrate on the other outlets.

Me: (in disbelief) Huh? Really?! WHY..............................???!?!?!?!?!?!?!
*Bangs head on the floor & cries hysterically...*

Mei-mei: Yeah... Boss says there's a lack of traffic here....

Me: (continues crying.....)

Mei mei: 我会想念你的!!

Okay, I didn't really cry hysterically, but the part abt mei mei saying that she'll miss me is true... She sees me almost everyday and everytime that I'm there, I would chat with her about nonsensical stuff. I know her offday is on one particular Thurs every month. As she's from China and very foreign to Singapore, I would recommend places for her to go on her off-days...

Aww man... Often I think about moving to our new home in Sengkang next year and far away from my fav bubble tea shop opposite our current home. But it seems like my joy-killer came faster than expected!
Not only am I gonna miss the bubble tea, but I'll miss all the small chats I have with her!

Not forgetting silly riddles on the lids of the bubble tea cups... (Yyn was the first to be so bo-liao as to read the jokes there... She gave me the idea...)
Today's the final operating day. I bought my last cuppa...

Gonna miss u, mei mei... Will visit you @ the other outlet if I happen to be somewhere around.... :(

On a happier note though.. Today's thursday!! Thurs nites are TV nites!!! ANTM and Prj Runway... My fav bimbotic-brainless entertainment to unwind....

Another happy: October shld end off well @ work, I managed to get some surprise orders to help me meet my numbers... Crossing my fingers that all would end well this month!!! In such tough business climate, I'm thankful to God for His Providence that sees me through!


  1. wah. I see ur post, dunno to cry or laugh.
    Haha, aih, the jokes meant to be read but the bo liao 1 is the 1 that reads it to others--> *points at Kara =P
    So sad, no more Pao Pao Cha :{
    (somehow i have a feeling randy gonna be sadder than us since he drinks twice the portion and rushes there ahead of u)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Yea... no more mango gel juice for u...... :(
    She's gg to the outlet near Alan's house @ serangoon...

  4. Hey, U know bubble tea here is about $3-4 in Brissy! But still got alot of people drink and they taste kinda yuckier!

  5. Wah! So ex..... Actually I think the cheapest pao pao cha is found in sg... Was at JB yesterday and paid S$2.50 for it... in Vietnam abt S$2... And those there taste yuckier too!

  6. Taiwan ones taste the best!! Can't remember the price though. Hmmm. Hahaha...

    Yes Kara, Thurs is my fav TV night too! I missed last thurs one 'cos I was on the plane to Brisbane. Gotta fill me in when you see me k?

    - Jasmine

  7. Really ah! Okay, add Taiwan to my list of to-go place (Randy pls take note... kakakakkakakaka)

    For Prj Runway, that Johnny (or John?) guy got booted out for his lousy design...

    ANTM - It's the loreal commercial week. U know the girl with the scar and lack of self-confidence? she's got booted out coz of her bad acting......
