Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Bubble tea convert!


I'm a self-confessed bubble tea addict....

I have a cuppa a day...

I'm best friends with the bubble tea mei-mei...

I refuse to be persuaded that bubble tea is bad for me...

However, recently my dear friend here (who used to dissuade me from bubble-tea-ing):

has officially converted! He eats twice my portion, hence for every cup of bubble tea I have, he makes sure he has 2....

Evidence (taken last Sunday): 1 cuppa for me, 2 cuppa for the hubba....

Usually in the evenings when I come home from work, I wld pop by to buy from the "mei-mei" and I wld just buy Randy's fav champagne grape ice blended. But recently the mei-mei has been telling me that my hubby has beat me to it! He's been popping by more often & faster than me to buy! HAHAHAHAHA...

Last sunday, Bernice gave me some very nicely manicured fingers... So this week I declared a NO-HOUSEWORK week!! That's my entitlement!!!! :D :D


  1. hey not fair... you trick me into this bubble tea addiction....

  2. not true... nobody can make anybody an addict... :P
