Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What are the odds?!?!

We're back from our wonderful Tokyo trip...!!! We ate soooo much, it seems like we did nothing there but eat from place to place.... I'm inspired to do a Food-Log of the amount of food we ate... It's just amazing how good the food was...

Anyways, our trip started by an early flight by Japan Airline... We were almost denied boarding as my passport read that my surname was Tay while my e-ticket was printed as "Mrs Chan". To cut the long story short, the drama ended by a confirmation call to our dear Senior Pastor who officiated our wedding... Phew... Thank God!

... and guess who we saw while we were waiting to board the plane?

Ben Chua & family!!! Luanne look so cute in the pic above.. Caught her excited "AWWW??" expression! Hah!

In this photo, everyone is smiling... Even Luanne! Uber cute...........! They happened to be off to Canada (with a short stopover in Tokyo) for a 2 week holiday.... What are the odds of catching the same flight as your friends! KewL.....

It was our first time flying on JAL...

We were glad to know that Jap food is served onboard!
(shot from my hp cam... Tip of the day: Never ever use your digicam on an airplane!)

Pork Loin on Rice
Randy's selection - which happened to taste much better than my Seafood Lasagne...

And if it wasn't such a coincidence, I met an old schoolmate who was one of the JAL stewardess!! We were so surprised to have met each other that we were squealing happily outside the cabin toilet.

And she sneaked us some Hagen Daz ice-cream which were meant for First Class seats... :) :)
And it was her final flight that day, before "retiring to become a Tai Tai"... What are the odds?!!

On the second day that we were in Tokyo, while shopping in the very crowded Harajuku...
Randy met his Army mate!!!! His friend Ricky spotted us browsing in a shoe shop!

What are the odds, what are the odds!!! Meeting so many people that we've not planned to meet!!!!

Will post up the crazy Food Log once i'm done with it..... Editing in progress!!!

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