Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Our Tokyo Food Log - Day 1

We have eaten our way through half of Tokyo. We have indeed gained some weight from 7 days of non-stop eating. Here's the food log as proof....
We were quite expecting dinner on flight but to our disappointment, we got nothing more than a pack of cookies each.... So quite obviously we were famished by the time we arrived & checked into Best Western Shinjuku Hotel. We headed for the conveyor belt sushi just across the street.

You can't believe how fast the sushi chef dishes out these plates and plates of sushi.... And how fast the patrons grabs them off the belt. I don't see the same plate of sushi circulating more than twice....

The sushi were just fabulous... Sushi tei, move aside!!!


  1. wah, Japan is indeed the original place where sushi came from. All the sushi looks so Fab and different from the ones u get in s'pore.
    Shucks! Im majorly craving for some sushi after seeing ur pics!

  2. Best part - only S$1.55 a plate!
    It's one of the cheapesr eat u can get there!

    I can eat these morsels everyday man....... Delish!
