Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

HOs @ Cozy Bay

The Hos swang by Cozy Bay for dinner with us last week (as promised)...

(Blame it on my skills, but i think both of u look chubby in this photo lei.... hahaha)

It was great to have such a good chat with them and to get updated on what they were doing with their holiday break in Sg....!!! I think staying in Brisbane didn't make them any laid-back at all... Faith's working as a Sar-Kar (literally: 3 leg...) Not because she's really sar kar, but because what the poor girl's doing now needs more than a pair of legs (& 2 pairs of hands) to complete!
And both of them are spotted at every parties, weddings, events... Boon Yeow's been leading worship since he's been back... Cutting them no slack!

Faith introduced us to a game called Snorta....

Which got us pretty excited & laughing so loudly that my neighbour came over to tell us to lower our voices.... *oops*

And then we came up with more bright ideas to improvise this game and to increase the difficulty. Hahahaa....

Looking back, Faith & Boon were probably the first few people I knew when I first came to church, gone through the same cell group together, served in youth together.... I think Faith was also one of the matchmaker that kinda saw our courtship took flight 8 yrs ago....

How time flies!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yo... i also say that I look "chubby" in the picture, so how come people say I lost weight??
    But I must admit that your DSLR takes amazing photos! Hey... it should be "improvise", not "improvish"..hee...i know you typed too quickly because you got many blogs to update!

  2. it's like hollywood... in real life u're probably slimmer... Cameras makes people look fat... :P
    Ammended the spelling error... i was typing too fast!!! Trying to finish my stupid Tokyo food log.. Arggghhh....

  3. It's ok... the truth hurts and I know I put on weight liao...sobssssss

  4. Nvm la... At least now u guys can compete for who-got-the-biggest-paunche award? hehehe...

    By the way, i was laughing my head off at ur blog post with Wesley's head posing behind the elephant statue shot... HAHAHAHA

  5. Erm... i think Randy's paunche is still bigger than mine! Kehehehe...

  6. it's evident in the photo... Opps...
    But I think one of my youth has a bigger paunche than Randy's... HAHAHA

  7. Ben Thia.... WAHAHAHAHA... Ask him to show u... super funny!
