Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tokyo Food Log - Day 7

As with all good things that have to come to an end, so were our happy days in Japan.
Day 7 marked the last day of our trip... We had only half a day left to stuff our faces with whatever food our stomach could possibly accommodate before we leave for our flight home.

Okonomoyaki was the last item on my TO-EAT list that we've not eaten on this trip. So we hunted this Okonomoyaki place for a Japanese-style cabbage pancake brunch....

For the first time during the trip, we couldn't finish the food! The portion was just too much and we cussed that we shld've just ordered 1 to share.... :P

I came across this very very pretty cake shop a few days back. I made a mental note to come back. And here we are for desserts after all that Okonomoyaki.... -(*_*)-

We had a huge problem deciding which cake to sink our forks into. Randy as usual goes for the berries-variation. I took the peach tart. (Check out the crystals bits on the peach tart... It is THAT intricate!)

That concludes the end of our TOKYO FOOD LOG!

Back to Singapore, as we unpacked our crazy luggages, here's some of the food stuff that we lugged back..........................

The Daifuku were just yumz! Not too sweet, chewy enough.... Delish!

We queued up for a long time 4 these... With the expectations raised on the Gateau, we kept ourselves in great suspense, not opening this up to eat during the trip....

Peko Milk Candy....
When I was a small kid, my mum would buy me a tin of Peko candies as reward when i'm a good girl.... Ohh, the memories of childhood...
When we got to the Peko girl store in Ginza, Randy decided to buy me the JUMBO tin version... He also bought me the "melt-away" version (in round container - extreme right)... He knows I love milk candies... :)

This version has to be refrigerated or consumed within 2 hrs. We paid $10 for 10 intricately wrapped piece.... *EXPENSIVE!*

Some other Peko merchandise...
We saw this box of thingy at the supermarket... Curious to know what's inside, we bought one...
It was a box full of pretty nice tasting egg-cake...

Also in the Luggage...
Seasonings, sauces & other cooking stuff....

I tried the white chocolate Daifuku & I thot it tastes like Snow! Actually it taste like very nice vanilla chocolate wrapped rice balls...

Full House!

So how did we manage to lug ALL that snacks (+ Uniqlo clothings + X'mas presents + toiletries etc etc) in our bags? Here's how....
We squeezed all of our shopping into our luggages... Which made the luggages EXTREMELY heavy...

And becoz it cost S$400 to catch a cab to the airport, I DRAGGED these 4 bags with me from the hotel to the subway station... carried them up & down flights & flights of stairs within the train station (there r NO escalators) that I thought I was going to dislocate my arms from my shoulder....... (-_-!!!)

At 8 degrees temperature, I was panting & sweating...
Randy had even more bags to carry. I think he almost died carrying them. All he could say was "FREAK... FREAK... FREAK...." till we got to the airport & almost missed our flight.


  1. Somehow, I can picture Randy saying "Freak... freak... freak..."! Haha... no wonder u were busy feeding us with your snacks when we came over!

  2. ya man... and the stuff are really heavy... felt my arms grew right after...
