Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Anniversary @ Underwater World & Suburbia

Well, as the title of our blog suggest, we've been officially married ONE year on 11th July 2010.... Honestly it feels like we've been married longer than that! Considering that we've been dating for 8 yrs before walking down the aisle, it really wasn't that much adjustments to each other.

Anyhows, it's still a milestone for us and so much to celebrate about for the past year. We had only half a Sunday to hang out so we decided to head to Sentosa's Underworld. Heh. I meant, Underwater World. We tried recalling last time we've gone there, and I think I was 6 then and Randy remembered his 1st and only experience there when he was 8.

So here's some photos we took of our short trip down memory lane!

Doing the touristy stuff... Take photos of Giant Shark Figurines!

We were just saying that when we were young, we remember Underwater World to be a very fun place with alot of see and experience....

And of coz, deep in my memory, I remembered the Touch Pool where I got to pick up a starfish for real! This time, we got to touch the stingrays and slimy fishes too!!! 
SLIMY FISHES (Dunno what their name for real)

This is what I would lurve to have on my Japanese dinner menu!!! But for now, it's just a posie with the crab shell...

Randy and Paul the octopus-impersonator....

Intrigued by this weird fish!!!!! Wonder if it tastes like Jellyfish?
Fishnet stockings?
To amplify the size of the "water-cockroach", I snapped it with a kid in frame to show relativity... Yuck...
The Decorator Crab!!! Honestly, I don't see the need for such a decoration if you can't notice it... :P
The travellator strip where you can get the submarine experience!

It's just amusing how Underwater World seems SO much bigger when you were young... We finished exploring the whole place within 45 mins!!!!

Dolphin Lagoon entry tickets no longer come separately! Buying the Underworld Water tickets automatically entitles you to a Pink Dolphin show!!!!

Here are the dolphins waving Hiiiii!!!
There you have it!!! After looking through all the above photos, you have also officially been toured one round to the Underwater World and absolutely do not need to make a trip there. I don't think we will ever go back there again till the day I turn into a dwarf.

My fav couple photo of the day (coz it's the only one we took... Hahahaha)

It was still too early for dinner so we hung out around the beach for abit... And we spotted some couples doing their wedding photoshoot!!! Reminds us of our wedding photoshoot at the same beach more than a yr ago!

I'm so proud that my hubby is such a good photographer!!! He makes me look nice in photos!!!

Finally it was time for our swanky dinner @ SUBURBIA!!!

There were indoor as well as alfresco seatings available. We're Singaporeans so obviously we chose indoor seats...
This place is awesome! One of the best places I've been to... You know how some swanky places makes you feel uncomfortable and really serious? Not SUBURBIA. The service is attentive but not intrusive.

Here's the first level indoor seating area with wine cellar... Intially I had booked the 2nd level indoor seatings but apparently there weren't many patrons on a Sun night so they couldn't open up L2....

They're having a 1-for-1 dinner menu.... Even better for us!!!

Appetiser: Seared Tuna with mixed greens
Soup: Chicken consomme
Kara's main: Seafood Arrabiata...
Very yumz!!! I know you can't go wrong with pasta, but I've tasted some that did... The pasta here was indeed yumz for me...

(pictured left) Randy's main: Lamb Veal (Very tender and melts in your mouth)... I enjoyed his mains for him too.... Hehehe...

(pictured right): Cocktail Champagne, we order 1 x Peach, 1 x Lychee... It's going for 1-for-1, by the way....

Individual dessert: Brownie with ice-cream... The brownie had some crunchie caramel bits in there... So good that Mr-No-Chocolate-in-my-Diet whopped it all up....... :P

Knowing it was our anniversary, the crew surprised us with another sweet ending!!!!!!!!
Chocolate coated biscotti.... Which outdid the brownie in the taste department... Also whopped up by the both of us... :P
To show our appreciation for the wonderful service, here's a big THANK U to the team @ Suburbia!!!!

The awesome dinner just sealed the deal for our 1st year anniversary celebration! We were even more pleasantly surprised when the final bill totalled to only $98 for everything including the champagne...

I wanna go back there for dinner again!

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