Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kranji Farm tour

Some time last yr we were introduced to Carlos who stayed with Ken & Addy at the Sheep Pen... Don't be mistaken, The Sheep Pen is not linked to our Kranji Farm tour. You will not find a Sheep Pen in Kranji nor will you find sheeps in the Sheep Pen... It's actually Ken & Ad's cosy home which they've nicely named "The Sheep Pen"... WE LURVE their home, by the way.......!!!!!!!

Since then Carlos' girlfriend, Agata has also landed on our sunny island and we've promised to bring them to a place in Singapore that they've never imagine existed..... ;)

We signed up for the Bollywood Veggie tour and we were glad we did! The guide explained the various plants and fruits, their origins and even allowed us to pluck and try some! It certainly added another dimension to an otherwise boring tour....

Pictured below: The 3 of them have just tried a funky-tasting leaf... Which explains their expressions...

The guide adding his own brand of humour to the various plant stories...

Lavender flower (usually used for colouring and making kuehs) for smell-and-taste!!!

Poor Randy & Carlos had problems wriggling thru this planter bed...

As we understood from the guide, bananas that have the flower growing towards the ground are edible... While the ones with the flower and bananas growing towards the sky are not (pictured right)... Those are used more for decorative purposes.

A real FIG TREE!!!!

We got to try the fresh fig fruit.... =)

Agata was brave to try most of the stuff that the guide allowed us to!!!
Pictured right: Thousand banana plant... Check out the number of bananas!

Herbs galore!!!!!

Kiddo on a mini excavator... I didn't know the manufacturers made them in small sizes!

We headed to Hay Dairies Goat Farm next...

Followed by Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve...

Guess what Carlos is shooting?

A monitor lizard making his way behind the shed...

Here's a different guy crossing the road.......

A slim slimy green snake...

This is the one where Carlos was setting up his cam for a group pic... Half the time I was worried that the camera may fall into the waters...

Was a great Sat morning! Thank God for the cool weather, we did not break into much sweat! Despite weather forecast of thunder rain, we enjoyed the whole tour without being drenched! 

Kranji Farm Tour, out....!

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