Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My bd treat from Mama!!!

My mum had made a date with us a few months back that she was gonna buy us steak at Jack's Place for my birthday treat. Jack's place is so old-school! & I totally love the nostalgic feeling of going there with mum, it's like good o' childhood days...

According to her, the tenderloin is to die for... And you know what people say about mums being right, right? I'm not particular about my steak, I mean they're just meat from a part of a cow, but my mum wouldn't let me order any cheaper cut of the Mooooz coz she says they just don't make the cut.... :P

Tenderloin steak with brown mushroom sauce

My mum is so cute... She sneaked off to the waiter to get me a free slice of cake topped with a candle!

As I grew older and got married, I noticed my mum aging too... The lines on her face, her deterioration of health shows how life has taken a toil on her... I was such a naughty kid growing up... But now I've learnt to be more patient and kinder. I wish to treasure the times I have with her now coz you really don't know how long your loved ones will hang around for you...

Thanks Mama for the treat!!!!!!!


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