Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Kara's quiet birthday weekend

For my bd this year, we decided to spend a quiet weekend away. Randy had school so we couldn't take any weekday away to jet off to Bangkok. So KL was our next best option. 

BUT... I was actually feeling very unwell a few days before we were supposed to go up to KL... But I prayed hard to be better and thankfully I was well enough for the short 2 days trip!!! Thank God... As usual, we took the very late bus up (11.30pm) so that we can reach KL early in the morning!!!

Our 22-seater Z-club Transtar coach with movie screenings ($32/pax)

We arrived at 4.30am, went to KFC for breakfast and squabbled (it was too early in the morning and we were both feeling grouchy... *_*) Then realised that after squabbling it's only 6.30am... Went for an hour of foot massage....... Which was awesome... Don't judge me, but I love those tinkly massage, not the punch-a-hole-in-your-back type.  The masseur doing my feet obviously got a good deal massaging mine coz no need to exert strength. Randy's however, kneaded his two feet into a bread dough....... Hahahahhaha... 
After the massage, it was not even 8am yet.. *yawnz* So we walked 20mins in the sunrise to KLCC Mall. Only Starbucks was open so we drank somemore, fantasized about the day we collected our new house keys and how we're gonna decor the place. Ahhhhh....

11am came and the cinema was finally open!!!!!

Guess what?! We watched SALT - which was showing in Malaysia on the 31st July but has yet been released in Singapore yet
Fantastica!!!! Loved the action, plot built up and the suspense. I liked it more than Inception!

And then we headed for lunch at Mdm Kwan's (highly recommended by my malaysian friend)...

Nasi Padang - fried chicken thigh, beef redang, spicy shrimp on special spice rice (About S$13)
Nasi Lemak - Curry chicken, sambal ikan bilis, spicy shrimp floss, egg on coconut milk rice (About S$13)

By lunch it felt that we had hung around for the whole day!!!!!

We walked by a very prewtty bakerie shop...

So Diddy bought me a chocolate-chocolatey cupcake!!! It's my very own birthday cake which I ate all on my own... No sharing allowed!!!

Anyways, we ate and shopped the entire day.... Ended our day with dinner @ our fav Kim Gary restaurant...  Dabao-ed curly fries from A&W back to the hotel to eat!!!!! Heaven!!!!!

Randy & I are just the best travel buddies... We've gone on countless trips together and every trip adds to our wonderful memory bank... :) Love all our couple time...
The next morning, we headed to our favourite You Yi Cun HK Cafe (directly opposite our hotel) for brunch...

Very yummy Shrimp Wanton Soup - S$3
Very rich & milky Milk Tea & Yuan Yang - S$2

Kara's order: Char Siew Wanton Mee

When I first ate it, I thought of Ezen. She will love to have a bite of this crispy (abit charred) fat fat char siew... The noodle is also Q... Very good!

See the fatty-glazed meat?
I'm not a fan of that oily feeling bursting in your mouth but I'm sure there are many other connoiseurs who will love it....

Randy's Mongolian Pork Rib Rice - Very Sedap!!!
Chi Char standard!!! Very well flavoured....

We tried to walk off all that food... By doing some shopping in the new swanky mall - Pavillion!!!
Think Paragon in Kuala Lumpur...

We actually surprised ourselves that we bought stuff from this upmarket mall... Especially Randy, who found himself many pieces of work wear.... Wheee........

Then it was time to catch our anticipated 16 seater, First Class Coach back to Sg.... Pls allow me to swoon about this coach!!!!

There's an awesome Personal LCD TV attached to each seat... Which screens pretty current movies like Transformer 1 & 2....

Extra large seats with massage functions (like Osim massage chair).... Electronically-controlled seat up and seat down....

"In-flight" or rather "in-coach" air steward that makes toilet announcements, serves hot tea/coffee and our Bento meal....... :)
Here's the Bento meal... Not awesome, but good to have something to munch as you travel past dinner time...
I enjoyed the ride back much! Caught 2 movies back-to-back and before I know it, I'm back at Golden Mile!!!!

Oh did I mention that there's a KTV lounge that sits 6 on the 1st floor of the coach?

Love Transtar's First Class Coach!!!!!!!! Uber loved my birthday!!!!!


  1. can share details of where you made your bookings for your kl getaway? =)

  2. Sure thing!!! For the coach you can book online at http://www.transtar.com.sg/

    You can select your preferred seats!!!

    For hotel, we usually stay at Hotel Capitol (boutique hotel) - directly opposite Sungei Wang mall.
    Book at: http://www.asiatravel.com/malaysia/capitol/index.html
    Cost: S$120/night for Deluxe Rm (no breakfast)

    Great Malaysia Sale is on till end of this mth i think... Let me know if u still need more info!! Have fun!

  3. found this blog while i was trying to read about transtar buses... enjoyed reading and pics are nice! :)

  4. Hello, thanks! hope u find the info useful for ur trip!
