Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Our latest entertainment

When I browse around in the shoes shop, Randy yawns... When Randy hangs out too long in Challenger, I tear my hair apart. At NTUC is where we both find things that commonly interest us... 

We usually start from the toys department... And that's where 2 weeks back, we spotted the retro FISHING GAME!!! 

It's a silly game that both of us remember playing when we were young... So we happily unwrapped the game to play once we got home.... To realise that this version doesn't have magnets!!!!

The ones we recalled playing when we were young had magnets on the fishing hook and the fish mouth. Not this version. No magnet, just a small plastic hook at the end which we had to carefully use to gently hook up the fishes.... 

My gosh... Both of us went crazy playing it... It was super challenging! Definitely not a game for kids!!! 

Anyways, this has become our latest entertainment... Or rather our trophy. It's getting so competitive that we refuse to be distracted while the game is on.... The total no. of fishes determine the winner... And sad to say, Randy has been beating me to it... 

So here's the current champion of the Fishing Game, Mr Randy Chan, in his Cat Trophy Hat.. Well done... *applause*


  1. the one i played with as a kid didn't have magnets either...

  2. it didn't?! I remembered the one i played with had magnets!!!
