Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

1st signs of whale-hood

Well I guess the world (who has a FB account and well-recepted antennas) would have known by now that we're expecting someone small and special to enter our lives... :)

The truth is we've known for quite a while now... I knew it at week 4 with the test kit, kept the news for a few days before telling Diddy about it.

With the results from the generic test kit, we decided to buy the electronic test kit that tells how long u r in your pregnancy. The test kits are so advanced nowadays! 

Okay, basically the kit will show 3+ weeks, and u have to add 2 weeks to that. Which at that point of time when I tested, I was 5+ weeks. 

We were quite amazed actually! We had decided to seriously plan for a kiddo sometime late April... And then the results revealed that littleone was conceived in June! We are very grateful...!!!

Randy finds it extremely hard to hide a surprise while I can keep secrets forever... So I made him swear to secrecy, but shortly after, the joy got to his head and he couldn't help but whisper the secret through the walls. It got on my nerves whenever Mr Chan asked (almost a daily affair), if he can tell so-and-so, when he can he make the big announcement etc etc...

Anyways, from the realisation at week5, I was experiencing VERY VERY bad nausea but I walked ard and acted like nothing much is going on till week10 where we finally made an appt with the doc. (Okay, I exaggerate, but the nausea is bad by my standards coz I'm usually a dustbin that gobbles anything and look forward to my next meals... Feeling like puking when I look at chocolates and ice-cream (both my fav) is VERY bad and depressing... Can u imagine? No happy food?!)

During our 1st appt with the gynae for the long-awaited scan, we managed to catch the little thingy kicking its legs! Hah! I never knew a foetus the size of 3cm can kick like that! So the gynae told me to cough and you can see it sliding up and down the uterus walls... I'm just very entertained and amused!

Here's the pic of littleone at week 9.5 and 3cm big....

The gynae says littleone has got a good strong heartbeat... That made us very relieved to know considering that we were kept in suspense and wondering for the past 5 weeks without seeking medical consultation!

I had so many people coming up to congratulate us, and I can see that they are genuinely happy for us! I'm so comforted by their love!!!!

So thankful for the nice friends that God had placed in our midst... I was given books, cream, advice, to-dos and not-to-dos by those who are concerned and those who have been-there-done... And a friend who invited me to her home to have her mum's homecooked food so I get adequate nutrition.

Without them how would anyone possibly know how to go through a pregnancy?!

I'm so blessed.... :)


  1. congratulations again! haha... you helped clearblue advertise!

  2. Thank Q!!! :D

    Sue: yah! they r really the better brand!

  3. Congrats! So happy for you both!

    Children are a gift from God!

  4. Thanks!!! Yah man! Truly a gift!
    My girls (from ex cell grp) still can't believe I'm going to become a mum... Actually me neither... But I guess i'll grow into one along the way....

  5. CONGRATULATION!! I am so happy for both of you.
    Sleep and eat well during the pregnancy period and be happy!... They say the baby will be a happy child if the mom is happy, at least that's true for us :) It's such miracle to see the littleone growing in the different stages.

  6. Edmund: Thanks for the tip! I will try to stay happy and think happy thoughts! Hehehhe.....
