Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My mum the worrywart

I'm quite a carefree person so till date, I've not experience any crazy moodswings... Except for the horrible nausea which is making me feel disgusted with food, and feeling really sleepy by 8pm every night, everything else has been generally quite smooth....

My mum, however, is the uptight one. She's constantly worried about my nutrition as I eat out for all my meals. She feels really bad for not being able to care for me in this period of my life and cook for me... But the woman's gotta work and I totally understand....

Despite me telling her that it's fine and okay, she makes an effort to wake up early to cook before heading to work at noon.... So she called me at random one day and I drove over after work to pick up the tingkat of food...

Mum's Lotus Root Soup

Mum's Stirfry Chicken with veggie

On top of that, she gave me LOADS of perishable food like vegetables, raw meat etc etc for me to prepare my own meals at home..... Ugghhh... So out of no choice, I had to cook the following:

Kara's Spinach with Crabmeat and Mushroom

Kara's Ham-wrapped Asparagus

Here's our healthy meal for two! compliments from my mum who "trapped" me to cook!

Dessert: Super healthy fruits with muesli and yogurt (given by mama too)

Thanks Mama... I know u love me in your simple ways...... =)


  1. your healthy meal for 2 very high-class lei... got crab meat, asparagus and bacon! ;p

  2. Faith: Yah she is... Like a small kid... She's been giving me pregnancy and nutrition books.. in chinese. I've not been studying chinese for 9 yrs, how to read those books...

    Sue: Hahahha... I'm sure when ur turn comes, ur parents will cook abalone stew for u everyday!!!!
