Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, September 17, 2010

We have dated for 9 yrs, official!

Besides counting the yrs to our anniversary, we are still keeping tab of our dating yrs... Last Sat marked our official 9 yrs of together-ness.. Can't believe we've been stuck together from yr 2001 till date....!

Honestly, there's nv been a boring moment! During our dating days, we chatted on the phone everyday, met at least 4 times a week, spend almost every weekend together... For 9 whole years... without running out of topics to talk about!!!! Or maybe I'm just too talkative... HAHAHAH

The only stuff we don't do is to fart and nose-dig in front of each other... :P

We celebrated with home-cooked lunch!!! (Yea... my mum gave MORE raw stuff to corner me to cook... How fun... :P )

Left: Sardines & Potatoes (Calcium-enriched for a preggie)
Right: Black pepper beef slices & asparagus (Iron!)

Steamed Toufu with seaweed & fish floss 

Both of us hate toufu... So thumbs-down to this.... Sorry mum, I did not finish the toufu u gave..

Omelette (I bought Omega-3 & 6 enriched eggs!)

Rice with seasoning... With double love....

The Sep 11 spread!!!

And then we did the usual Saturday thang - Youth from 4pm -6.30pm.. And for dinner, we decided to head for a quick Italian dinner at this place that Diddy recommended - Cacio de Pepe which was located very near to church!


But we had to finish up our meal within 45 mins to rush for cell group, we gobbled everything!!!! (And I forgot my camera........... BOO HOOO!!!!!!) So no pictures to post....

So I stole some pics from ieatishootipost, just to show you what we had... :P

Randy ordered:
Ravioli al Granchio - Stuffed pasta with crustaceous tossed with crabmeat, crayfish, prawns in a light tomato sauce.

Very yumz!!!! Love italian wantons!!!!

Kara ordered:
Spaghetti Nero di Seppia - Spaghetti seafood in ink sauce.

[No photo too. I love squid ink pastas!!! It's so black and you dunno what you're eating. Warning though, never ever order this on a first date or risk having your lips turn black, looking like Poison Ivy]

To share:
Lava Cake
Irresistibly oozing soft centered chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream.

 Very good, but as chocolates turn me off for now, so I couldn't really taste the real taste of the yummy cake...

I promise photos the next round coz I'm definitely going back there again!!!!!!!

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