Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Gearing up for X'mas!

I've already started being in the X'mas mood… And I've began making my X'mas present tags early! I love adding the special touches to the gift wrapping… :)

Kara's DIY Christmas gift tags

Truth be told, it really take one to be "in the mood" to get some cutting and pasting going! The previous few years I was feeling too lazy and busy to be bothered… But this year, I got my act (and scissor) together to CUT, fold, CUT!!! :P

I think it's also partly because of the early X'mas present that Aunty Ivy gave me…

I dunno how she knew that I love collecting stickers but the present from the Paper Market that she gave me, I SUPER LOVE… Ivy is afterall the queen of handicraft…!!

 My first X'mas present for 2010: An album of seasonal stickers! 

 Vintage-looking adhesives!!! I think I can't bear to use em'!!!

Less than 20 days to Fat Turkey Feasting Day!

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