Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Randy's birthday surprise (prelude)

Yay! First exciting event in Dec - one that I've been planning for and keeping mum about for a few months… 
It was Randy's birthday last week and being together for almost a decade, I've ran out of ideas on what to buy for him. So, a couple of months back, I decided to book a trip to Hongkong for the both of us! Reason was quite simple, Randy lurves eating, so what better way to enjoy 4 days of birthday celebration chomping on dim sum and Xu Liu Shan… Moreover, Ashley will be arriving in less than 3 months time so this may potentially be our last trip before we kiss goodbye to our honeymooning life… :(

Don't ask me how I kept such a big secret from him for so long. I almost died keeping my excitement to myself…!!! :P I thought long and hard about how I could get him packed for a winter trip without revealing the secret trip in advance. Eventually I decided to let him in on the surprise a day earlier so he could pack and apply for exit permit… 

The big reveal - hidden in the envelop

So Mr sleepyhead awoke on his birthday eve, and was presented with the envelop… 

In the envelop…. 

opening the photo letter...

… unveiling the photo of our previous HK trip... 

And because I couldn't (and wasn't sure if I could find) a nice place to have a romantic dinner in HK on his actual birthday, I thought it'll be better we have the special dinner the night before we flew off… 

Soup (a big bowl each) - Cream of Mushroom (tasted alright but not the best I've had)

Kara's - Vongole Aglio Olio (Didn't taste fab… A lil' disappointed)

Randy's Seafood Risotto - Not awesome either

Verdict: I'm not sure if I would go back to Cacio de Pepe ever again! Has my tastebud changed coz I'm pregnant or what?! Anyways, we had to rush home to send the kids (doggy and bunny) to my mum's since we're flying very early the next morning. 

After we got home and when the clock strike 12… 

Cedele's Chocolate Banana Espresso Cake - Randy's Birthday cake

HAPPIEEEEEEE BIRTHDAY to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! Lovin' u more every single year… Muack muack muack!!!

4 hours to snooze before the flight!!!!! 


  1. Very nice surprise!
    After ten years I see you will never run out of ideas.. :)

  2. Thanks for being in cahoot to keep the surprise under wraps!!!! ;)
