Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Preggie in Melaka (Day 1)

We drove up to Melaka for a short weekend getaway with Randy's family… 

We stayed in the suite room at Hotel Equatorial for one night… It was an out-of-Kara's-usual-budget night stay. Obviously I wasn't the one who booked the room since I'm not the extravagant sort… But since the room's been booked, we might as well enjoy… 
 Spacious room… Nice TV… (Randy's checking out the Food Menu… As usual)

 Huge bathroom.. In addition to the bathtub, there was another shower facility on the right….

Once we dropped off our baggages, we took off for LUNCH!
I was STARVING!!!!!!!!!!
Before we arrived, I did a lil' research on the must-eats in Melaka. So here's the first Peranakan food place we tried….

Ole Sayang Nonya Restaurant

 The restaurant was packed with people, even before the food came, we were quite confident it would taste good… HAHAHHA
 We ordered:
Sambal Sotong, Rice, Fried Toufu with Special Satay Sauce
 Sambal Kang Kong - VERY YUMS!
 Ayam Penchat (I think that's how it's spelt.. :P)
Otak Otak, Sambal Shrimps (out of focus….)
Salted Duck Soup

And the bill was pretty cheap… We paid about S$6 each for all that food!!!!!

The Chan Family… Looking very Nonya here… Haaa… (oh my gosh, at 8 months pregnant, my tummy looks like a basketball!)

After lunch, we walked around the uber huge shopping mall next to our hotel… Hunted down all the outlet stores and became bored… :P

Night came and we had dinner at Jonker Street… I was half-regretting not bringing my cam out (it was really weighing on me to lug around) but we had one of the yumilicious Assam Laksa at Jonker88 Cafe…!!! We had initially headed there to try the infamous Gula Melaka Chendol but we sadly disappointed that it didn't taste even half as good as the one in Sg…!!! But the Laksa was a pleasant surprise and that made up for the yucky chendol…

We had a RM$88 food credit that came with the night's stay to be expensed at the hotel. So we ordered room service….. The waiter trolleyed the table into our room and did up the table settings and food like some kinda butler… Impressed!
Our in-room supper spread
Randy's Buttered King Prawns with wedges
Kara's Triple Meat Sandwich

That's Day 1 of chomping!!! Interestingly I ate all that food but gained no weight but Mr Chan is putting on the pounds!!!! hahahaha!!!!!

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