Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy birthday Carlos!

We celebrated Carlos' birthday last week!!! The happy guy turns 28 this year!
Agata's taking charge of the kitchen and this time she's prepared a typical Polish dish. How this dish is to the Polish is akin to what chicken rice is to Singaporeans… 

left: a X'mas gift snail-mailed from Stephan (their German flatmate) who went back home last year. We were trying to figure out how this works, till their new German flatmate, Tobias enlightened us. We're supposed to place an incense candle in the toy and the smoke/smell would come out through the mouth of the toy. Very interesting!
right: Agata flaunting her culinary skills by dishing us a serving each
 Here's the dish, lovingly prepared by the girlfriend for Carlos' lil' birthday party... :)

Cabbage wrapped rice+minced meat with Mashed potatoes

 Randy and I decided to bring Carlos a surprise cake!!! I was guessing that Agata probably didn't have enough time to get one after work and rush home in time…


Randy, Kara & Ashley


  1. Hi friends!, thank you very much for coming and of course for the cake! IT was delicious :)
    Agata & Carlos
