Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hand me downs!

Just when we were fretting over some of the high-ticket and bulky items to buy in preparation for Ashley, many wonderful friends have been giving us stuff!!!

So at the start of 2011, we have inherited:

Baby stroller
- almost brand new, my friend Darren passed it on to us when a Tai tai friend of his didn't want it after buying it during a holiday trip in Japan… We can't believe the mint condition it is in!!!

Sleeping cot
- Our friends, Mel & Wen (proud parents of 3 awefully cute boys) has kindly agreed to keep their cot in custody for us till we move in to our new home… I've not seen it yet, so no pics… :)

Baby rocking-chair
- given to us by Ben & Lydia
- I think Luanne (their baby girl) still has some feelings for this chair… She was still happily rocking in it before we took off with it back home!

Baby car seat
- also given by Ben & Lydia
- matches the colour of my car… Haaahaaa….
(Cookie being the nosey parker that he is, had to butt his nose into the shot… :P)

Yay! Now we are officially BABY-READY! Just short of a few more items to buy!


  1. woo~ nice inheritance! btw love the Kaypoh Cookie's blur face! LOL

  2. yah… that's his signature look…… heeehee
