Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Preggie at 7.5 mths

Today is my first Saturday not being in youth service. Feels kinda weird not rushing to church at 4pm!!! But decidedly I got down to doing some chores to maximise my time!

I accomplished the following with my bulging tummy (though admittedly, it's getting challenging to bend forward or move around fast):

1) combed my doggie's hair - got an entire clump of hair (this task takes an hr - including wrestling him to get him calm enough to comb)
2) cleaned out his little ears
3) clean up the toilet which is covered with his fur
3) sweep up the entire house
4) mopped the kitchen & cleaned Cookie's poo and pee

Daddy will be pleased with a clean place when he returns!
Anyways, here I am, at 7.5 months pregnant… I'm about to pop in 10 weeks time! Don't ask me how come but I myself am wondering why my bulge is still small… Everyone comments about how small my tummy is… :P

Ashley's about 40cm (in length) by now and about 1.3kg in weight. I find it hard to believe that. My bulge doesn't look like there's someone that size tumbling and turning inside!

My tummy is so round, it looks like a watermelon!
 I'm beginning to feel her kicks and thrusts very often and it's getting stronger as she grows. I can literally feel her move from the left to the right - like a little bump moving under your skin! The other day I was in church and I was sitting down with my handbag leaning on my bulge.. she did a kungfu kick and my bag actually collapsed down flat onto my lap.

She could likely be a feisty one to watch out for. Cookie will have a good competitor to play arm-wrestling with.


  1. And u are looking beautiful too :-) We are looking forward to meeting Ashley! :-D

  2. Thanks for making me feel better… Some days u juz dun feel very wonderful… :P
    She'll be happy to meet ya'all too!!!!!

  3. Haha, that's a strong powerful niece I have there! She go girl~! The pics of U and cookie very nice and retro look! U should post it on FB too! ^^

  4. powerful is the word!
    Yah maybe i shld…. Lemme ask the monster if i can get his permission to post his nude pic first… hahahah
