Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Birds' nest & Bangladeshi worker

This week was yet another interesting week.... Besides the lil' par-tay that we had for the Teenz Zone Ldrs.........

Youth Ablaze's Teenz Zone Leaders

and our usual Fri Supper Nite Club, I had coffee with a biz partner whom I worked quite closely with previously... They're a major distributor of New Moon Abalone and he brought me a gift....

A box of New Moon Bird's Nest!!!

It's not that I'm a fan of Bird's Nest... It's just that I find it so thoughtful of him! And he actually selected the "collagen" flavour, knowing that collagen is nothing but goodness for ladies... :P

Being a salesperson himself, he shared that he wld always bring a gift when he meets up with his clients as it's a "chinese" thing to do (to bring gifts for visitations) and it helps foster goodwill with them. I can't agree more... Another art of salesmanship learnt for me!

On Thursday evening, as I was driving to participate in a Focus Group study, I halted behind a lorry filled with Bangladeshi construction workers at the red light. As I yawned and thought about how I was going to last thru the next 3 hours of "interrogation", I noticed some familiar faces on the lorry!!!!!

A few months back, we volunteered to help out at the International Worker's Banquet organised by our church and I was assigned to wait on the table where the guests were workers from nearby construction sites. I saw this one particular familiar face on the lorry that was sitting on our table during the dinner!
Many of the workers have been here for at least 10 years and most of them tell us they're quite happy to be staying in Singapore....
Here's a photo of them dancing to Bangra-music that nite... (Photos stolen off LSBC's Facebook acc)
Another happy guest at the table...
When the music heightened, even the Minister joined in the dancing!!!!

Oh man.... Thinking about that night just absolutely bring joy to me... I love the whole drum beats and swaying your hands-in-the-air... Seeing it "live" that day with so many happy faces was like something outta a Bollywood movie! That night really touched my heart and I know I will remember it for a long time to come............ :)

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