Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, January 25, 2010

My dream came true...

This morning I awoke, did the routine -> pee, brush up, bathe...
Bathe... That's the part that broke my usual routine. Halfway through scrubbing my hair I heard a "poof" sound and the shower stopped showering warm water. Cold water was splashing down...
Shucks... I think the electricity tripped...

It's MONDAY!!!!!! The day that crashes everything else... Hahahhaaa... And the most bizarre thing was that I had dreamt the night before that while Randy's away for reservist, the power would trip and I would be stuck in the dark with no torchlight. And when I awoke it came true. Ugh. How weird...

So I got out of the bathroom and tried switching off & on the circuit breaker a couple of times and it didn't work... I tried calling Randy on his handphone and that didn't work either... (He's checked in to The Disciplined Life by then and it's byebye to technology once you're there)... I almost thought I was gonna take urgent leave to try fix the problem....


Then I tried recalling how I restored the electricity when it tripped on me one night, about a year ago. There's another circuit breaker that's located outside the gate that's gotta be switched on. And it worked. So no urgent leave needed for a lazy, lonely Monday... *yawnz*

Oh man, it's so hard to be independent when you're married... Coz you know there's always the handyman to bounce to! Till he goes on reservist.... :P

And then you feel like a mistress... At meal intervals, you get calls from your "lover" who whispers a few words, "can't talk long" and hangs up. And then he doesn't know when he can come home... Maybe the weekends.. that's if his "wife" by the name of SAF (Sg Armed Forces) permits... Then u sleep alone thinking about how the "wife" has robbed you of your hubby for 2 weeks........... Hahahahhahahahahahahahahaha................

So for the next 2 weeks, Kara's kitchen will be closed till the Hungry Man is back. Just for the sake of it, here's photos of our last homecooked meal that we enjoyed tog last week:

Mixed grain rice...

Asparagus with ham...

Sambal prawns.... and the whole fare..............

Say HALLO to another busy week~!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Funny lah, u... My better half is away from me too... in HONG KONG!

  2. Yeah! We were chatting about where she can go shopping n eating! I'm off to bangkok in a few hrs time too!
