Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Celebrating the Year of the Tiger (2010)

Every year for the past 8 yrs of our courtship days, we have been collecting ang pows from each others' relatives during CNY.... So, what's so different this yr?

Dressing up early in the morning... Snacking on pineapple tarts and cashew nuts till you get a sore throat... Leaving the house with 6 mandarin oranges and coming back with a bagful of em'... The same old cycle of shuffling from house to house......

But the thing is... we just simply enjoy it!

So the CNY mayhem started with part 1 reunion dinner @ Changi Airport...

The newest terminal... T3...

8 course dinner @ Dian Xiao Er...
The better dishes were:
1) Yu Sheng

2) Fried Cod Fish
3) Braised Duck

The other dishes were not worth mentioning............ :P

Photo with our 2 little darling nieces........

Then it was off to reunion dinner part 2... Mi mum's best dishes:

Mum bought these charcoal pineapple tarts to try... I must say they taste pretty good!
Photo with our darlings again!
Laura will be removing her braces in April and I promised to buy her Willy Wonker's Gobstoppers and Kinder Surprise as a reward...
 Everybody say hello to "Ah Soh" and "Ah Chek"......... Our new stylish salutations.........
For our "virgin" angpow giving experience, Randy decided to look the part....
And now.... Introducing the cutest sweetie pie baby of 2010........... *drums roll*

Uber super duper cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, love, love!!!

Neither me nor Randy has an illegitimate daughter of British heritage. Baby Lana was "kidnapped" for 10 mins for the above photos from her mum, Glenda (Randy's cousin) who married a British.

三姑, 二婶, 六姨婆, 四姑丈 have been taking the opportunity during CNY to ask when we're going to have our own. Randy promised them twins and triplets by next year.............. -_-|||
Traits of a salesman, overpromise and under-deliver!!!!


  1. I can imagine your hubby's response! Hee...

  2. Hahahhaaa.... i bet u've seen him done tt many times.... he's been boasting abt wanting to be a father.... HL chan... :P
