Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Godson

A large part of CNY is going to visit friends or people that are close to your heart but you rarely meet.... We dropped by last Sun to visit my Godbro and to bring toys for his son, Reyes...

When we met Reyes about a year ago, he was such a quiet boy and a little shy...
But since then, he has grown up... so chatty and playful now! 
He has a "girlfriend" who stays next door by the name of Jiejie... She's born just a few days or a few months.. (can't rem exactly..) before Reyes...

He's quite a host... Serving us his homemade coffee with HEAPS of sugar...

Reyes: You want sue-ger?
His mum: No, I dun wan sugar.
Reyes: Okay. *Then spoons heaps of sugar into his plastic cup*
Hi mum: I say I dun wan sugar!
Reyes: *smiles*

Love this photo...! My godbro with his (-_-)||| face when Reyes served him coffee... HAHAHAHA....

Me & Randy have decided that he's about the friendliest and most interactive 3 yr old boy we know.... We were quite surprised that he wasn't afraid of strangers and became friends with us quite quickly.
& he's quite smart too... When he wanted a snack from me, I became from Auntie to Jie jie... Sure knows how to work his way thru a lady's heart ehhh...

Meet another cute baby... Baby Koala Bear..

He's so chubby and clings to you like a koala bear... super cute and huggable!

I was in the showroom @ work when one of the sales staff there carried him away from a customer... Before you know it, we were all taking turns to carry him and snap photos with him on our hp cameras like he's a real koala bear... Hhahahaaa...

A photo of koala with my colleague, Mabel. Not fair...! She's got the photo of him clinging to her...

You know what people say about cute kids right?
Make some of your own? - Wrong answer.
Just play with them and return back to the parents. Hahahahah

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