Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Weekend yummies

I wasn't on Facebook that day and missed the sweet comment that Randy posted on his FB wall - about enjoying his breakfast that his wife made. Anyhows, here's exactly what was in Randy's breakfast-box!

Greens with ham, drizzled with olive oil and Japanese dressing.
Last Friday, we went out for "date night". It's been a LOOOONNNGGG while since we went to town and hung out! So Randy allowed me to choose anywhere in Orchard to go. And obviously I chose ION since it's outta the ERP zone... :P

It's a pity I didn't bring Alpha or Miyuki along and taking photos on my Nokia E63 "ugly-fies" the photos.

But anyhows, here's what we did:
- we had ramen at AOBA Hokkaido Ramen for dinner (every food establishment at ION is packed!)

- walked from ION to Takashimaya & bought nothing (Randy still remembers the record-breaking 44 pcs of Bangkok apparel so I wasn't allowed anymore)

- had our green tea flavoured snow ice with redbean toppings at Mei Hiong Yuen (they have their 2nd outlet at ION)

- Before we left for home, we bought these Japanese morsels at the basement (which became Sat's breakfast)

1) Dorayaki with Redbean & Mochi
2) Dango sticks with flavour: Purple Sweet Potato, Mango, Red bean

I love date nights! :) :) :)

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