Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Lobster porridge!

Diddy was raving mad about this Lobster porridge in a very ulu estate but very near to our future home... So one saturday 3 weeks ago, we drove there to have a taste before heading to church for Youth service.

You gotta know my hubby to know that there are only a few things he eat, and the stuff that he enjoys eating, he applies for a lifetime membership and go there every single day (ie: his favourite Beef Kway Teow)...

As Diddy would call himself - a man with a golden tongue, true to his own self-professed title, his recommendation of the lobster porridge was FABULOUS! Thumbs up!
But it's too much of a luxury to eat everyday.... But my dear friend will tell you he's had it at least 5 times within the past 2 months.... -_-

After enjoying a huge pot of lobster porridge and a huge plate of chicken drumlets all by the 2 of us, we drove by to our Coralspring and admire how the final storey is almost completed.

Yay!!!! counting down to the day we can move in!!!!! By then it should be family planning time....

After that lobster meal, being a salesperson, Diddy got my head-nod that the lobster porridge was good and with that agreeement, he decided to go there again last Sun, but this time with the parents and the entire jeangang.... Luxury food again... Hai...

On the flipside, I think a man who's faithful to his fav food would be a faithful man too!!!! Hehehe....

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