Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March's homecooked meal

Have not been cooking for a while... So here's the first homecooked meal for March!

Stir-fry Kang Kong (Yaowarat Style)

Black pepper chicken
Yong tau foo soup - brewed from scratch & msg-less!

Yesterday my niece Laura was telling me how much she loves her mum's cooking...
In her words: I told mummy that I love her cooking so much, that it's even nicer than restaurant lei!
What a sweetheart! I hope someday my kids will say that about my cooking too!!!

If you cook regularly enough, you will know that you will have some leftover of certain ingredients coz u can never purchase the exact quantity of each ingredient. This round, I have got rice leftover... So I warmed up the japanese instant food and poured em' over the rice for a simple meal the next day....

Till the next home-cooked meal..............!!!

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