Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Accidental Fri Date Night!

Why is the date night accidental? Coz Diddy wasn't supposed to be free last Fri night and I was intending to stay home to backup all my laptop files before I send it off to HP for re-formatting... But he called to say he was free afterall and so we went out for another date night!

I don't mean to sound so pathetic but for the past 2 months or so, Diddy goes to school on every other weeknight except Tues and Fri but I've been having Tues classes so Friday's the only night for us. Don't ask about weekends coz they are sacred. Hahahaha.

A typical Sat's = full day ministry + cell grp @ night
Sun = family day @ the in-laws.

So yeah, Fri nights are important nights...

We headed to our favourite Sushi Tei and then when I paid the bill, I realised I've not renewed my membership card and so no discount for me that day!!! Humpttttttttt!

Diddy really enjoyed the fresh oyster sushi that we had in Tokyo, so when we saw this plate making its rounds on the conveyor belt, we grabbed it............

After the meal, we went to Challenger (A guy's version of our Topshop) where we burnt $600+... *sighs*
I could buy alot of shoes with that money.... But well it's neccessary to get our computers virus-free and protected so it's $$ that has to be spent....

Some of the gadgets we bought...........
New thumbdrive, coz my laptop corrupted the one that we bought last week....

External HDD.... 320GB!

We winded up with gelato @ Haato...

Strawberry flavour for the macho
Green tea with azuki beans flavour for the lady

We're so predictable.... hahahahaa....

So we got home after all that food and I got down to working on my nails (for 2 weddings over the weekend) since my com was down and tech-ky Chan was busy trying to download all the Norton Anti-virus....

I love Friday nights!!!!!!!

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