Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kookoo & the Beast

I've had my new fringe coming to 2 weeks now and many people have not gotten used to it.. I get laughed at @ work for looking like a china girl.... :(

Besides all the teasing, the one fun thing is that I can camoflauge myself from people... Like last Sun morning, when my mum saw me, she literally couldn't recognise me because of my new fringe... And I was standing right in front of her.... -_-|||

And just before I take it too personally that people were being rude when I wave to them and they don't smile back, I realised that it's because I look fundamentally different with the bangs...

I was really bored with my long hair and so decided to go for the "kookoo" fringe which I've had for a short period some yrs ago...

My previous fringe - taken 3 yrs ago in 2007...

That's the story of "Kookoo" and now for the story of the monitor lizard aka "the Beast"....
*Warning, gross images alert........

Poor chap caught chicken pox and is currently convalescing at home......... Red itchy bumps all over his back....

And his front... On his scalp, in his throat, behind his ears........

Close up look........
With calamine lotion on....
Poor thing right? Pray that he will heal quickly so that he can help out with the housework again! HAHAHAHAH


  1. Wah..very jia lat. He quite late then got chicken pox hor!

  2. Yah man... But quite thankfully the old chicken's completely recovered by now... Just a few scars here and there....
