Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, April 16, 2010

POWER THINKING & uncanny resemblance!

It's finally FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! This week felt like such a long week...!!!
Emotionally for me, it was one of those not-so-happy week.... :( :( :( So much so that I had to use my "power-thinking" method (alot!) for a perk-me-up....

Here's how "POWER THINKING" works.... When you're feeling stressed or bored, think about something happy that you can look forward to...

- When at work and you're feeling the politics, think abt a wonderful scoop of cookie dough ice-cream on a maple-syrup waffles that you can have when you knock off....

- When u meet with nasty, unkind & unreasonable personnels, think abt a weekly TV show that you have been catching (My personal favs are Survivor & America's Next Top Model)...

- Recall a silly joke or something dumb & break out in laughter (or giggle hard to yourself, depending on if you're in a meeting or not)

- Last but not the least, keep FOCUSED on those happy thoughts! Don't drift!!!

Anyways, I've been wanting to revamp this blog like what I did with my photography blog and tried using the following photo to show our uncanny resemblace to the latest judges on American Idol...

But as u can see, it looks like a nose job gone very wrong. So I've decided not to use it as my blog photo, but just for the sake of humour & "power thinking", here's a silly one to chill for the weekends.

Enjoy the precious weekend!!!!!!!

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