Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Almost fooled

There was a western-italian cafe that opened just beside the Kopitiam beside our Cosy Bay a couple of months back. Being cynical, Randy did not want to give it a shot and was counting down the days the place would last before they close shop for good. I'm honestly an adventurer who would give any food establishment (that doesn't look unhygienic) a first chance (and maybe even second)... 

Anyways the cafe looks a little confused.

The interior look a little... ermmm... Asian? I mean dining on marbled tables and no-frills wooden chairs aien't exactly italian/western.... But the truth is more than meets the eye. We were almost fooled but the outlook of the cafe but the truth is the the food is REALLY GOOD...!!!

They serve really authentic italian fare... you'll find Gnocchi (potato dumpling pasta), capers in their pastas, Crespelle (a lasagne of sort but with yummy spinach - one of my fav), Calzone (another fav)... And the prices of the mains starts from $5 and the most expensive mains cost only $8....

We kind of decided to try this place out when our friend Jake came over the other day. We ordered some pizzas to pig out on....

I made some mushroom soup to add to the menu...
*Cream of Mushroom - Marks & Spencer ($3.30/can)
*Pescatora - Seafood Pizza ($8 for a 7", $15 for 12") 

Verdict: Very fresh seafood, juicy clams (in shell)...  
*Carnivora - Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Pepperoni  Pizza ($7 for a 7", $12 for 12")
Verdict: Not very awesome... We preferred the seafood version without a doubt

But overall, we are pleasantly glad to have discovered this CASTEL place that's just a footstep away!!!  

*Huge bag of fries (from Tenderfresh Western food stall @ the coffeeshop beside) - $2
Unglamourous munching shots...

Poor Cookie looking longingly from the "naughty chair", smelling all the cheese and watching us gobble all that pizza...

PS: Notice my bunny Wedding who is also looking longingly at the feasting.
By the way, check out Cookie's personalised playpen with his own photograph!!!

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