Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Home of the Queks

We had dinner @ the Queks a few days back and Cookie was allowed to visit too...

Cookie playing with the tennis ball, complimentary from Uncle ND... He had great fun chasing after the bouncing ball, chewing on people's socks and drinking water off a plastic bowl given by Aunty Pearlyn...
I dunno why in this shot dear Cookie looks really crazy with his kooky eyes.. Looks like ND was squashing him...
Dun ask me what ND was trying to do here....
My puppy looks so small in Uncle ND's palms!
He played like mad for almost 4 hours non-stop... Till his last ounce of energy was used up.... Then he took a short power nap...
When he got back home, he was recharged and ready to play again. My gosh, by then it was almost 2am and we were deadbeat...... When oh when will u stop being so hyper!!!??!!


  1. That photo of cookie and andy so funny! Cookie looked like he is screaming in his heart, "HELP ME!"

  2. Hahahaha! Yea lor... When i looked @ poor Cookie looks tortured...!!! Pearlyn was saying that they are Cookie's Godparents... so Cookie is their God-dog.... Kakakakaka....
