Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Brunch - Just me and u

It was almost impossible to spend a weekend, just the two of us hanging out to spend time... But with some determination and a concerted effort to make the best out of whatever time we have, we woke up earlier (than our usual Sat mornings) to have brunch together!

I enjoy reading food blogs and LIC's (Lady Iron Chef) is my food bible for upmarket dining while I follow ieatishootipost for hawker eats and local yummies...

So naturally, I sniffed out LIC's food escapade and checked out Epicurious for their all-day brunch menu!!!

(Don't be mistaken, I wasn't having vodka in the morning... They've reused the bottle for water)

Diddy's pancakes...... $6

Kara's Egg Benedict - $12

Epicurious' Egg Benedict consists of:
- Ham & Runny Eggs on English Muffins topped with Hollandaise Sauce (YUMMMZZZ!)

- Seasoned potatoes

- a wedge of watermelon (I think they should leave this out or put it on a separate dish)

Almost forgot about my fav black pepper! Sprinkle plenty on my eggs!

After brunch we had to rush off home to prepare for youth.... I'm gonna make Sat brunch a regular affair!


  1. I heard about them..U rate them good?

  2. The egg ben's quite good, but the pancakes not fabulous.... :(

    I think can hunt down nicer places for that kinda price... I will check out Riders Cafe, heard their brunch is very very good....

    Btw, I tried out the Ippudo that u told me that time! Not bad!!!
