Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Episode Mini Me!

Our friend came over last wk and in the midst of digging thru old photos from school days, we came across our scanned baby photos from 1980s... Since then I've been threatening to post these horrendous childhood photos on the blog (FYI, we didn't screen em' @ our wedding)...

These photos were painstakingly scanned some time ago... So here's me...
Our friend, Jake insists that my baby photos totally doesn't look like me...
My mum loves taking photos (as u can see from my previous post), so since I was a small kid I've had huge archives of photographs, dressed in the weirdest costumes.... So Mr Smart Aleck, Randy Chan decided to poke fun at my ugly dressing in the photo below... Saying that I look really ugly in that Sailor dress... (I mean seriously, it was the 1980s, what do u expect?!?!)

Then I kept silent for a few sec and decided to fight back and expose his photos to Jake and now, to the world....
Here's Mr Chan (on the left)....... Muahahahahhahaa......

Jake: You laugh at Kara, you are worse! You're wearing your granny's shirt!!!!!!!!

Granny shirt again, with Bananrama baggy pants and reflexology slippers... complete with hot BANGS... HAHAHAHA

Shirt tucked in!!!!!!! Sexyyyy....
But here's the funniest photo that got both of us laughing mad @ Randy....
Introducing............. MINI ME (celebrating his birthday)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you who are unacquainted with the Austin Power Series, here's how the original Mini Me looks like...

One more pic of Dr. Evil's mini clone....

Now let's see who has the last laugh!!!!
The good thing about both of us is we enjoy poking fun @ each other and rarely get mad...

Dear hubby, thanks for being such a great sport to let me post up these wacky photos! Anyways, hope these silly photos helped you with your Monday Blues!!!!!!! :P


  1. The photos are so nostalgic, i like! Agreed, your mom is a photographer...it runs in the blood :)

  2. heehee... we quickly scanned them before they fade away!!!! Unlike digital photos, can be kept forever.... :)

  3. Randy,

    Stanley looks like your dad.

    Great pictures you got here. Keep the scanning going.... :)

  4. Wah..Randy should go perm his hair! I am VERY SURE he looked like his dad lei!

  5. i can't imagine... i'll be too horrified to go to bed at night.... *shudder*
    - kara
