Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Mum - The photographer

My mum has just turned 56 (her age's supposed to be a secret but i dare write this here simply becoz she doesn't read our blog... kakakkaak)

If you think that I'm childish for having a sticker book collection, u haven't known my mum... She's recently been given a digital camera by her boss. It has become her new toy and she brings it everywhere she goes...

Here's some photos taken with her latest camera..

That's my mum, thinking it's funny to pretend that she's making her son-in-law drunk on root beer...

Photos from MOTHER'S DAY

In case you're wondering, that's my mum's boyfriend... I'm happy for her that she's found her own happiness... I'm quite open-minded about her dating... As long as the guy gets my approval!
The classic Earthquake @ Swensens!

Happy birthday to you Mum! And many more birthdays to come!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. yah man... she has a pair of black skinny jeans while i still own bell-bottoms.. :(

    hahahhaa... And she was just showing off her GUESS pouch to me... wa lao....
