Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, July 2, 2010

What we did & ate in Cambodia (I)

This is uncle David's beautiful home in Cambodia!!!! I totally didn't expect him to be so creative!!! From the outside, it looks like any other Cambodian apartment, but inside... Whoo hooo! It's a work of art!

This is the 2nd living room (on the 3rd floor)... Living room 1 is on the ground level...

[Canvas painting done by Mr David Lim]

Nice place to cosy up, don't you think?

[Left photo: Us posing under the grand artist's work...
Right photo: His handmade wine holder aka Ip Man's practising bar]

His paint and tools... I would blow up this pic and place it on my storeroom door!!!

We were expecting to be starving much for the 9 days we were in Cambodia (which explains why we were stuffing our faces with good food all the way up to the night before the trip).....

But instead we had good food every single day!!!! (almost, except for a few hits & misses) Which subsequently caused us to gain 2 kg after the 3rd day we weighed in!

Food from Aunty Lydia's GORGEOUS country-looking kitchen... I like!!!
We were told that a typical Cambodian meal (Khmer cuisine) tastes very very spicy, very very sour or extremely saltish. Hence, their family eat homecooked food most of the time (except for the times that friends come to visit, they bring them to all the best places to dine)... ;)

On the same day we arrived, we enjoyed the wonderful lunch in Aunty Lydia's kitchen (as above). For dinner, we were treated to Khmer-Chinese food (apparently it's one of the better tasting restaurants) by some fellow Singapore friend of Uncle David's. Forgot to take photos of that 10 course meal!!!!!!!!!!!

The next morning we had home-baked bread by A. Lydia for breakfast, afterwards we attended service at 5P church in Phnom Penh, where U. David preaches regularly.

The auditorium
The band
Left: Sound team on the "console".... Right: The stage

After service, we had lunch at this very awesome Fish & chip place!!!!!!

Yummilicious salad with grilled Dory and chips!!!!!!

Randy opted for Cod & chips... Also uber good...
Seafood spaghetti! Very yumz too!

We realised that the yummy food are found in the establishments opened by foreigners... :P

Just in case you think we were frivuluously eating and enjoying away, I will have you know that we did do some work.... But I don't wanna cross-post so you can read about our hardworking side from my photography blog here:


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