Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

@ week 13 & glimpse of how our kid will look like

This was the scan at week 13... (By now i'm in week 15, a week away to my 4th month)...

At week 13:
- Foetus is about 8 cm in length
- Gynae has projected littleone to be a girl... 70% sure of that!
- I'm still feeling nauseous
- I have no particular cravings, just many do-not-like-to-eats 
- Have stopped feeling zapped out of my energy but a little insomniac at nights
- I've gained 300gms in weight - which is a good sign as alot of woman lose weight in the 1st trimester
- I've bursted all the seams of my bottoms and have been sticking to dresses, leggings and rubberised pants/skirts

Every trip to the gynae is fun coz u get to see how littleone is growing!

I've been telling Diddy that our kid will surely be fair-skinned... Come on, look at both of us, we're white like bedsheets.... It'll be bizarre if my kid is tanned!!!!! But I was teasing him about how our kid could potential look like his clone when he was young (Reference to Mini Me -> see pics from a previous post here).

Anyhows, I decided to do a simulation using an online weapon on how our kid will potentially look like........
And here's the results.........

Kara plus Randy

Our future kid.......

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....................!!!!!!!! Just for the fun of it.......... :P


  1. haha.. it's just a simulation... Actual product may differ!

  2. Congratulations !!! Do take care and the 'kid' looks real cute. hahaha... :)

  3. I am sure your daughter will be so pretty! My gosh! =P

    If I got a son (next time), I chop your daughter first!

  4. Very hard to say lei... Pearlyn say sometimes positive + positive come out negative... Anyways just inherit all the healthy genes can liao!!!

    Wah, serious ah, we practise bethrothing them before they're born?! Hahahaha!
