Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Visit to Adelina Wong Clinic

Yay! I'm now in my 17th week, coming to 18th week of my whalehood...!!!

Coming into the 4th month certainly feels different! Aunty Lydia was telling me that in the 2nd trimester, u'll feel energised and vitalised and it is the best part of the 3 trimesters... So true! Appetite is definitely better than the previous months, no cravings so far (good for Randy.. hurhur..), no emotional outbursts........ So far so good!

We've finally switched to Dr. Adelina Wong for my visit last week... It wasn't that Dr. Eunice at TLC Gynaecology wasn't good. We just couldn't afford her really expensive package-less consultations..... Here's how I did my maths... From now till delivery day, I have another min. 10 more visits at the doc to go...

Dr. Eunice's charge per visit without package: $150 (min), so for 10 more visits I will have to pay $1,500...
Dr. Adelina with package - $748 for 10 scheduled visits from 4th month till delivery date

Which means I save at least $752! Also, Dr. Eunice does not participate in the 1st-born incentive prog, which offers 10% off doc's delivery services while Dr. Adelina does.... (More savings!!!!)

Theirs clinics are just 3 storeys apart from each other... and we have 2 friends who gave rave reviews about Dr. Adelina... So, switch gynaes, we must

When we got to Adelina's clinic, we were shocked that there was only 1 lady waiting for her turn. Compared to Eunice's clinic which was constantly so crowded that we couldn't even get seats and had to wait at least 1.5 hrs for our turn, this was too good to be true! I didn't even have to wait too long for my turn. :)

While at Eunice's we were usually shuffled out of the consultation within 10 mins... At Adelina's she took time to chat with us, find out more about how I was, medical history, what to avoid etc... Her facilities were also newer and more "high tech"... I could see the scans from an LCD TV hanging from the ceiling whereas previously I had to tilt my head to see the small little computer screen on Eunice's machines.... Adelina also took time to show us various angles of littleone and printed many scans for us.... Such a nice experience!

 Here's the latest scan... She's significantly bigger now! Ok, in case your imagination isn't very good, the oval shape on the left is her head... I know the scan look abit "Alien workshop"...
Pictured left: Circumference of head from top view...
Pictured right: That's her feet
As for this scan, I really can't make out what it is and I don't understand how the doc looks at it and concludes that it's a girl... Maybe it's really blurrier "down there"....

We visited Eunice's clinic at least 3 times and each time all we got a hefty bill... At Adelina's clinic, the very nice clinic assistant gave me all the below freebies!!!!

FOC: Milk powder for pregnant mamas to try, Diapers samples, bag, diapers changing mat

I'm so glad we made the big switch!!!

At the same time we also signed up for the "1st-born incentive programme" for a one-time fee of $148.
The programme entitles me to some price-off the delivery beds, 10% off delivery charges, 5% off pediatric fees etc etc... And since Adelina is in this programme, we hurry hurry sign up... Heehee...

FOC goodie bag with sign up

Includes: Diapers sling bag (which I think I will let Randy use as a laptop bag... WAHAHAH)
Similac Milk powder worth $30 I think
Books... Which will come in useful during pre-natal classes...
More diaper mats, baby bib and cooler bags...

Soothing baby music CD, safety scissors, baby shampoo and cream samples

 Did I just went shopping or what??!?!


  1. Waa! Definitely sounds like a MUCH better deal! Remind me about your gynae if I ever get pregnant! ;p

  2. Yes!!! I will give u her contacts when ur turn comes! Her clinic feels a little like a spa!

  3. hi, I was just looking into little anecdote as I m trying to filaise my gynae.Would you be able to tell how much Dr Wong charges as delivery fee ? Also, how do i find out if she is still participating in the first born initiatives

  4. hi hi! sorry for the late reply, went away for a 3 weeks long Europe holiday... Hope i'm not too late... Hmmm, I can't really remember how much was the delivery fee (hubby settled the bill while I was still recovering from the birth) but I think it is the standard market rates. Not too sure if she's still in the 1st born programme, but i do know that her rates have increased since this post.
