Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Friday, October 22, 2010

OktobeREST month!!!

Oktober is the annual REST month for church... Which means there's no cell group meetings and no corp prayer mtgs... It's a nice break from the regular activities...

However, we miss each other so much that we still took the time to meet up with the rest and bond, bond, eat...!!!

1) Delia's birthday lunch @ Ajisen

We celebrated Delia's 18 year old birthday with her over lunch after 2nd svc... ;)

 This was the photo without Ezen (she went to get the bd cake!)

Me, Ashley (in tummy) and the birthday girl... :)

Whale, Li-En, Delia, Ebel

2) Cell dinner @ Changi Sailing Club

Group pic
Thankfully I was seated beside Douglas and not Addy/Charmaine. I look slender beside him. Haaa... 

(Disclaimer: All photos above are stolen off Delia's FB)

3) Dinner at Thai Express with Carlos & Agata

We met up with Agata & Carlos for a fiery dinner 
(of coz we were not so mean to trick them into ordering the spicy dishes, even though we were tempted to... heheh)

It was awesome fun eating, talking and hearing all their funny stories! They made us laugh so hard that we got stitches in our stomachs!

Carlos just returned to Sg from his home visit and brought back some homemade sugar-coated almonds made by his mum... Complete with a postcard (of a human tower) from his hometown in Spain, Catalonia.... :)

Thank God for Oktober, that we can meet and bond with awesome friends!!!

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