Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Celebration: Crabs & iLights!

Randy had FINALLY kissed goodbye to his hate-hate relationship with his part-time degree education. It was a painful period (akin to serving the Army) that brought us much heartache and weeknight separations… *Drama* Hahahahaa…

Honestly, seeing how he was juggling a full-time job, serving in many capacities in church and having to attend weeknight classes, do projects and mug for exams, I am positive that I will never wanna go back to school…!!! And of course, the greatest revelation of all:

{My hubby is superman without the tight red underwear….}

To celebrate his completion of this grueling 3 years affair, we started with a wonderful dinner at Carlos', who introduced us to two of his friends….

Credits: Photos from Carlos, the great photographer who used a self-timer for this shot
(from left to right: Randy, Carlos, Reena, David, Agata, Kara)

It was a very interesting dinner under the stars, with Carlos and Agata sharing some spooky photos they took in the cave from their recent trip to Philippines. The photos were really eerie!!!! Serious!

We got home late that night, totally spooked… And in the middle of the night, while we were asleep, our mirror fell to the floor and shattered into pieces. We didn't dare wake up to check if it happened during the "witching hour" but we continued sleeping and let the hour pass…

The next day was the Deepavali holiday and we decided to go for some crabs to celebrate again!!! Not without some good company who know how to enjoy like we do, of course… ;)

Here's how much food 4 person can possibly order before we burst the seams………

Cheong Fun with fillings (of char siew, chicken, mushroom)
 Sambal sotong
 Our food kakis!

 That's not all… More food… Fried oyster...
 Stir fry sambal potato leaves
 Char kway teow
 The highlight: Black pepper crabs! (which got us waiting for an hour)

To walk off all that unhealthy feasting, we took a walk along the Singapore River to enjoy the iLights which was ending that weekend. 

 Randy and the jellyfish...

 The shutterbugs
 Me, looking significantly fuller… :P
 The laydee and her favourite label

After walking almost 5km, our legs were crashing and we needed a drink….

Settling at Starbucks for a feet-break

Ebel was cutting up the apple fritters for us to share, till Jake and Randy shared the same thought about it…. 

Jake: Hey, guess what this fritter thing tastes like?
Randy: Hum ching paeng!

{Conclusion: All ah cheks think alike! }

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