Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Excuses for shopping

You know how people tell you having a kid is an expensive affair? It starts way before your baby sees the world... 

First and foremost, you have to revamp your wardrobe... Buy new lingeries, stretchy and loose tops, rubberised bottoms, you must... For the first time in a long time, I find myself having nothing to wear!!! We made a trip to JB over the weekend to buy some basics from the reject shop and quite thankfully I found some pants good enough for work at less than $20 and plenty of tees at less than $10!

I have officially packed all the clothes that don't fit my "non-existant waist" into boxes. Through that process I realised I have an OBSCENE truckload of clothes. :P 

Goodbye beautiful clothes, I hope I can still fit into all of you next year.... sobs sobs... 

Next on the shopping list, you have to start understanding things like breast pumps, steriliser, teats, nipple cream, breast pads and BUY them...! 

Thank goodness I have a wonderful colleague who tells me all the what-to-buys and the quantity to buy them in! That's the perks of working in my company... U have people with the knowledge at hand... ;)

More $$ to be spent on baby's romper, blankets, stroller, baby cot and essentials... My my my... It's crazy, the number of stuff you have to buy... So much so that I've been thick-skinned enough to ask my sis-in-law for hand-me-downs!!! :P

We've managed to secure a confinement nanny (FINALLY!!!!!), it took us a long time to find her... Now just praying that she'll be good and her cooking will be yummy! :) :) :)

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