Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Greenwood Fish Market

It sucks being pregnant, alone at home with 2 animals, sick and on medication that has the effect of candies (the doc will not prescribe anything strong for expectant mums)… :( 

It started last thursday morning when I woke up with a very very bad throat… I went to work still, answered calls from customers the entire day and before the sun could set, my voice was totally gone. 

I went to the doc, got some lozenges, woke up the next day with a bad flu. Went to doc again for flu medication and woke up the next day with flu + cough. :( :( I was almost bed bound, sleeping away the entire weekend. By Monday I was still under the weather and wasted my annual leave on Mon and Tues resting at home. GRRRrrrrr…..

I was officially glued to my bed for close to a week… What a way to spend your off days… Sighs… 

The only highlight was a dinner date on Tues night with our good friends! 

Though I couldn't taste the food much coz my tastebuds were screwed by the flu and half the time I was gasping when I ate coz my nose was blocked and I couldn't breathe with the food in my mouth, it was a HAPPY moment for me coz it's been a while since we've gone to the Greenwood Fish Market for a meal!!! 

Anyways, the restaurant has expanded their space and gone are the day where u cram in tiny seats behind a fishy-smelling fish market. Hallo spaced-out seatings!!!!!
Tuesday nights are unlimited oyster nights! $1 a shuckle (with main course ordered)

Jake, giving Randy a lesson or two on the wine menu.. His expression was so comical I couldn't resist posting this...
Caught my eye: The huge bottle of Tabasco!
Randy, giving perspective to the size of the bottle… 
A dozen of oysters for starters! (Just for the 2 hunks)
First dozen down… 2nd dozen on the way!!!
2 dozens of oysters, all slurped up!

We had such a long wait for our main courses that we got kinda mad. The service standard (& food standard) has slipped somewhat since our last visit… Thumbs down! :( 

Ebel's order: Whiting Fish & Chips (Chips were cold)… Jake's: Seafood Combo

Randy's: Seafood combo (Mixed fish, scallop, calamari, prawns, oysters, fries)

Kara's: Baked Sole Fillet with Mash (A big slab of un-juicy fillet that tastes like my rubber sole…)

I'm sad to say that this will not be somewhere that me and Randy will like to patron again. The horribly lousy and slow service, unappetizing food (cold fries, dry fish!) did not justify for paying $177 for 4 pax. 

I think I will rather go to Fish&Co. It's the same food (or slightly better) at a fraction of the price. Bleahhhh……… 

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