Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A week with the mischief makers

Randy's away on reservist this week, which leave me in the very good company of my dearest Cookie, my bunny Wedding and their poo poo.... :(

I've not been cleaning up their mess since I got pregnant coz you kinda have to minimise the contact with bacteria from your pets. In fact, my gynae was shaking her head when she found out that I'm living with a dog and a rabbit under the same roof.... :P

Oh well, it's just too bad that we're Singaporeans and the men have to go for reservist (pregnant wives at home or not)... So it's mama Kara as the official cleaner for the pet's toilet this week!

Some pics of Cookie playing on our bed before I decided to ban him (and his flying fur) from my bedsheets

Hello Aunty Ezen! Here's showing off the clothes you bought for meeeee!!!! 

 Poking my flat nose into everything, as usual

I've been bringing him down for short walks these 2 days when daddy's not @ home... He hasn't been out of the house for a walk in public since the day he was a puppy. Boy is this dog a walker... I'm so tired after walking him....!

Some people told me how they gave away their pets when they/their wives are expecting. I can't imagine parting with my dear Cookie~!!!!! He's like a part of our family!!!!

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