Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mid Wk surprise - Ken's bd

This week went by with plenty of excitement! Yet another eventful week!
1) Ken's Surprise Bd

Wednesday - I got home after work, made some Carbonara pasta for our Wednesday-nite-with-the-Chans guest, Sean Chew, who popped by our Cozy Place to catch up with Randy... The young man is enlisting on 11 Sep!! He's such a sweet chap, he brought us a bag of cookies! :)

Carbonara with prawns and shimeiji mushrooms!

After I was done with the Carbonara, I rushed off to The Sheep Pen to prepare a bd surprise for Mr Thong!
We gathered @ the playground downstairs to discuss how "Operation Donuts" was gonna take place.
Jamie was supposed to be leading Ken to the mall while Addy set up the Donuts.
Plan A: Failed. Jamie appeared with Buddy the dog instead.
Plan B: To bluff Ken tat she lost Buddy so he comes downstairs and we sneak up instead. Rejected. Buddy apparently doesn't get lost easily.
Plan C: Rehearsing the Madagascar-style Birthday Song with silly dance steps at the playground. Very Kara...

Addy appearing with Donuts...

Managed to catch this photo of the Drama king... Hahahaha...

It's a girls' par-tay! Ken is so blessed............. muahahahahah

Happy birthday Mr Thong!!!!!!!!!!!!! (3 weeks more to u-know-what!!! Yay!!!)

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