Our Journey!!!

Like sand through the hourglass, so are the stories of our lives...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I'm dying of excitment counting down to our Tokyo trip....!!!!! While Randy...? He's just excited his exam papers are finally over and getting his license to play nights & nights of computer games.... :P

Being a travel-holic, I would make sure I know everything WONDERFUL about the destination before I've even set foot there... Actually the truth is, researching the place helps in getting you excited for the trip...... Hehehhe...

Guess wat?! My sister-in-law is such a sweetheart, she's been emailing me information about Tokyo, where to go, what to do, maps, food, facial masks to buy....... She's even kindly loaned me 2 big bags of winterwear!!! And an old friend passed me his Tokyo guidebook which has info on every small shops & food outlets...... AWESOME!

Yesterday night, I decided to shock Randy by telling him how MASSIVE the shopping malls are... citing the example of Shinjuku - in just that area there are more than 10 malls, each mall spanning at least 10 stories high. How the heck am I ever gonna finish shopping? You could literally see the shock on his face... I'm praying that his stretched hemstring recover real soon, otherwise he'll be watching cable in the hotel while I shop alone and spend away the Yen(s)... *evil cackle*

Our MUST-DO list when we arrive in the land of the Rising Sun:

1) Take a neo-print!
- I know this is so passe but it'll be so fun to re-live our teenage days...

2) Disneyland
- To coerce Randy to take all the scare-the-crap-outta-your-pants rides!!!

3) Tokyo Banana Cake
- One of my ex-colleague, Tammy introduced this de-lish! snack to me... Since then tokyo to me is just full of Banana Cakes...

4) Tsukiji Market
- wake up at 5am to arrive @ the market to see fresh fish being auctioned off
- have some fresh sashimi while we're there... yumzzzz......

5) Buy hot food off the vending machines

6) Vanilla ice-cream
- Must-eat, as recommended by Hitomi, who just came back from Hokaiddo....

Weather: 10*C - 18*C (Still trying to figure out how cold that'll be?)
Yen Exchange Rate: Every S$1.60 gets us 100 Yen (Still so high?!!)

All set & prepared for the Land of Electronics, Manga and everything Kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee............!!!


  1. Sounds so fun! Pls email me ur program then I can use next time! Wahahah...

  2. Yes!! I'll go check out everything there and bring back info on the "tried-n-tested" fun stuff to do... see u guys on the 21st!!
